Showing posts with label eBay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eBay. Show all posts

Old Book from Ebay by James R Rutland

This is a picture of the book (that I bought off Ebay) as requested by one of my readers (LP) . This book really looks like any other ordinary book out there. I am pretty sure an online version exists since the copyright most probably has ceased.

Anyway, it is just cool to know that I am holding a book that is out of print. Using eBay to carry out my transactions is also something that I am pretty comfortable with since I have bought quite a number of items using eBay and so far, all the items have been shipped and are always in good order.

Bought a 100 year old book from EBay

Every now and then, I buy a few things off Ebay. It is an easy way to shop. I sit at home, browse through the various items and just buy anything that I fancy.

Lately, I decided to buy an antique book using some of the earnings I got from my online ads. I stumbled upon this old book with a title that I fancied. Coolest thing is that it is one year shy from being hundred years old! Just holding this book in my hands feels like I am holding a piece of history. The book is most probably out of print too.

This is what I have been busying myself with the past few weeks. And I am enjoying this new hobby of mine. So I do apologize if I have not been posting often enough. But life is really a lot more interesting when you have a hobby you enjoy doing. It breaks the monotony of work.

Guess what? I am going onto right now to see if there are other things worth buying!

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